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Check out these sites for great Web references.

American Librarian Association. Essential information from our main organization. American Librarian Association Banned Books Online Banned Books Online

Best Book Buys.Searches 28 bookstores for the best prices. Best Book Buys

Big6 Skills. One of the most famous Information Problem Solving designs Big6 Skills.

California School Librarians Association. California's school library group. California School Librarians Association

Computers in Libraries. Monthly journal about this topic.Library Computer Journal
Dewey Decimal System. Update with latest categories of DDS.Dewey Decimal System Internet School Library Media Center. Very helpful for running an effective library.Media Center
Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web. From the Smithsonian Institution.Smithsonian Institution LibraryLand. Links for many aspects of library work.LibraryLand
LM-Net on the Web. The listserv for school librarians.LM-Net School Library Journal. Wonderful source of information.School Library Journal
School Libraries on the Web. Links to school libraries from the U.S. and around the world.School Libraries on the Web Margaret Vail Anderson's Digital Librarian - "a librarian's choice of the best of the Web"Digital Librarian
Internet Library for Librarians - a comprehensive Web database Internet Library for Librarians Nancy Keane's Booktalks -- Quick and Simple Nancy Keane's Booktalks
Literary Calendar - events for every month of the year Literary Calendar